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I wandered into the studio and checked FB to discover these three posts on my page by Paula Jean, an intelligent adventuress I met at a Butterfly Sanctuary and Garden in the hills above Montezuma, Costa Rica.

  “I am thoroughly, completely enjoying your book, It is my perfect escape from all my worries. I have been dealing with fleas these days in FL and for you to write about the Flea Circus has me giggling. It is so perfectly written from the standpoint of this child. How imaginative, how delightful, and filled with drama and conflict, filled with descriptive images. I can hardly put it down, thank you for writing it and will no doubt read your second one. Such a treat to have met you and to now read your magical story. It took over a year for me to buy the book, but I suppose I needed to find myself battling fleas to time it right, LOL.”        The Gypsys Song small

                “I weep as I come to the end of The Gypsy’s Song. I should have ordered the second book at the same time. Now I must wait for its arrival. The story is captivating and filled with so much, so many parts that have influenced our lives. Small tangents that speak to me on another level. Perhaps I was a gypsy in a past life. The draw to Bohemia touches us both profoundly and I love all the small references to a larger philosophical belief, references to Jung, The Tao, reincarnation, oh so many.”

                 “I am reading a delightful book by Laura Shepard Townsend, titled Destiny’s Consent. I was fortunate to meet this beautiful woman in Costa Rica last year. Not sure exactly why it took me a year to pick up this book but so glad I did. It’s a beautifully written story. If you are looking for a great read, beautifully written descriptive story about Gypsies in S Ca in early 20th century pick it up from Amazon. She has a great web site too”

 For a writer and an artist, there is little better happenstance in this world….thank you, Paula….final-cover-web



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