Laura Shepard Townsend
Destiny’s Consent: Summoning Her Radiance
Book IV of the Destiny’s Consent Series
Angelica’s adventure as a seeker continues — as the infinite seeks her with its enchantment.
Reader Review of Summoning Her Radiance:
“I just finished the book.! It was wonderful, perfect, I loved it. In many ways, which I can’t explain. I felt like the book was written for me but then also about me. It’s so special, like every paragraph was a spiritual teaching that I either learned already or need to learn. I’m speechless. And probably not making any sense. Bravo! Karen”

About the Author
Laura Shepard Townsend
Townsend used her tax return to fund additional travels resulting in the discovery of Venice, a city which has inspired much of Destiny’s Consent and will always remain a strong muse for Townsend and her writing.
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Freelance jobs in the entertainment biz funded the eight years necessary to produce the first two books of the Destiny’s Consent series. Townsend describes herself as akin to a roustabout at a circus, doing whatever necessary to support herself as a writer – including a short stint driving a cab.
For a few years, adopting the lifestyle of her gypsy heroine, Ms. Townsend and her husband, MT, adventured throughout the west coast in a trailer named Molly. Now, she and MT, the talented artist-designer of the Destiny’s Consent book covers, live in a tree house in the jungles of Costa Rica serenaded by parrots, cicadas and howler monkeys.
Destiny’s Consent Series
The Destiny’s Consent series wraps a large adventure, the life of Angelica Grastende, against the backdrop of the 20th century — viewed with the eyes of a ‘gypsy’– giving the reader an excellent opportunity to visit the little-known Roma culture with its passion and sorcery.
When a terrible misfortune occurs, Angelica abandons her roots in search of new ones. In a grand series of adventures, Angelica becomes lost, found, defeated, and finally exalted.
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Grounded in meticulous research, Destiny’s Consent is an inspiring, unforgettable account of one woman's bold struggle to realize the passion and potential inside her; from the haven of a historical perspective, it examines the slow advancement of women in the 20th century.
What Readers Are Saying
Book 1: The Gypsy’s Song
Angelica Grastende, a daring Gypsy adventuress, recollects the kaleidoscope of experiences comprising her life. This is the story of a woman of destiny…
The Gypsy’s Song recounts her idyllic girlhood among the Roma klan, as they traveled slowly from meadow to meadow in horse-drawn wagons, gathering all that they needed from the bountiful European countryside. Wild Angelica emerged from her mother’s womb with the mark of a ‘shuvani’ witch upon her head, creating personal tempests in regard to the world….and the world’s regard of the Roma.
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The onset of ‘The Great War’ intensified the persecution of the Roma forcing Angelica and her family upon an odyssey across the Atlantic Ocean to 1920’s America where great exploits ensue.
“11 stars out of ten stars. That is how good it is. Be prepared to lose sleep reading this book until you realize you might be getting to the end. Then it is time to become a slow reader to prolong the inevitable. But wait, there is more. Book 2 is next.”
– Ken H.
Book 2: Lions and Gondolas
Wrapped within the enchantment of Lions and Gondolas, are three generations of audacious gypsy women. With a pair of purloined lions in tow, they are runaways from the abuse of a husband and a small-time east coast circus. Angelica struggles to embody her authentic self, without the tutelage of the Roma klan. Lions and Gondolas soars with the genuine magic that was Venice, California, circa 1920, with the master magician himself, Abbot Kinney.
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“Wrapped up in delicious evocations of Venice, California (circa 1920) that simply seethe with well-researched authenticity, in poetic prose Laura Sheparrd Townsend has created a breezy and exotic tale. I love this book! It’s philosophical. It’s metaphysical. It’s mystical.”
– Delores Hanney
The Lure of a Land by the Sea: Venice Vignettes
Book 3: Angel’s Flight
It is the Jazz Age; Angelica Grastende is now twenty-two years old, and in her estimation, an absolute paragon of womanhood — one tough cookie trying to make her way in Los Angeles, a city where everyone was prospecting…but always for someone else’s gold.
Angelica used her mother’s gift of $400 to learn to fly, a resurrection from her crippling accident flying on the trapeze.
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This is the story of a woman of destiny…Angelica emerged from her mother’s womb with the mark of a ‘shuvani’ witch upon her head; she lives in a city of destiny, a radiance wrested from the mud marshes by bulldozers, midwifed by the Goddess Venus. In the tumultuous 1920’s the destinies of Venice and of Angelica are intertwined.
Book 4: Summoning Her Radiance
Angelica’s adventure as a seeker continues — as the infinite seeks her with its enchantment.
Venice remains Angelica’s place to be seen and recognized. Gypsy Rose, a Tarot card reader on the Boardwalk sees ghosts, roaring lions, and magic following Angelica; Paul, the blind saxophone player sees Monarch butterflies and oracles as Angelica’s accompaniment.
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My Chinese Writing Desk: A Blog
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“Destiny’s Consent: Book IV, Summoning Her Radiance”
"For those touched with enchantment, there are rules older than human gods. Truly, Angelica, you are enchanted. I can feel it." Bone Woman I believe we are all touched with enchantment if we just pay attention.....
Review of Angel’s Flight
"BRAVO!!!!! A great 3rd book of this series. I loved all the descriptive prose about a flashy time of our history. The end was a surprise and of course now I must plead with Laura Shepard Townsend to get working on the 4th because I just know you have more to tell...